Friday, June 11, 2010


Due to the lack of coinage of this noun, the state has decided to give it coinage.

SSORPG is an acronym that stands for "Server Side Online Role Playing Game". The term is derived from MMORPG (Mass Multilayer Online Role Playing Game). The key difference being that, instead of the developer supplying their own servers, that may or may not be identical, for all players; SSORPG has servers set up by users of the SSORPG with their own elements added to the game. While these were categorized as just RPGs, the state of Matriliak made the decision on 12th of June 2010 to give the genre its own own category.

Coinage of SSORPG is attributed to Reeve Matrilwood of the Royal Matrilian Family

Friday, April 23, 2010

Ok, Base game ready

I've got the base game maker for Krystal Clear. I'm using Game-Maker8. I'm only using the free version because I won't need anything the registered version supplies.

Creation has begun. Many of the basic game elements will still need to be made before I can start on the story line or anything. I'm not even using proper graphics, just hack and slash sprites I made in 2 minuets.

While many of the game elements are written on paper, if you have any suggestions for things you would like to see, then just comment.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

C.Wars: Krystal Clear

I'm hosting this blog here until I get around to making a Console Wars blog.

Krystal Clear is going to be a part of the official series, however it is also going to be turned into a much needed Krystal Fan game. Because Krystal is so mysterious it's not going to go deep into her past or anything though.

C.Wars: Krystal Clear will be a 2d dungeon crawler/puzzler like game with a little bit of the adventure and rogue genres. You take the roll of Krystal, using her psychic powers to escape one of Snake's ships and free the people of Cornaria.

I'm also planning on having multiple endings.

  • A base to build the game, flash won't work for what I want.
  • A better name.
  • Voice actors and maybe sprite makers. I won't need them strait away, however I'd better start recruiting early.
Everything else will have to wait until I have a basic idea of what where this is going.